If you have never grown garlic, plant cloves (seed garlic), and you'll be surprised at the discoveries that follow.
We are excited to provide you with our RANDOM GARLIC GROWER KIT. This is a simple kit for anyone who wants to grow their own garlic. All you need is a little space in your backyard, grower pots, or raised beds.
This item includes either garlic Cloves or Garlic Bulbs depending upon availability.
The Garlic Cloves or Bulbs are a Mix of our Favorite Garlic. This Select Mix is Ready to be Planted (or consumed).
If you want the receive labeled cloves, see our other kit, titled the "Labeled Kit".
Here are the contents of the kit(s):
1. One-pound kit, you get either Five (5) Bulbs which equals 40+ Cloves for Planting, If we send bulbs, you will need to separate the cloves from the bulb. We may also send you cloves that have already been separated from the bulb and are ready for planting. .
2. Half-Pound kit, you three (3) Bulbs which equals 18+ Cloves. If we send bulbs, you will need to separate the cloves from the bulb. We may also send you cloves that have already been separated from the bulb and are ready for planting.
3. Instructions on how to plant and grow your own garlic.
4. The garlic cloves are not labeled or marked as to the variety or cultivar. They are all mixed together.
If you want to grow high-quality Hardneck Garlic, this pack includes exceptional garlic planting. Eat some, Plant some! If you've never grown your own garlic, you will be surprised at how much better it is compared with supermarket varieties. Give it a try.
The garlic cloves will be a wonderful mix of all of our top-selling garlic. The packet will contain some of the following: Music, Georgian Fire, Persian Star, Bogatyr, German Porcelain, Purple Glazer, Metechi, Chesnok Red, Rosewood and Spanish Roja. (The Name of the Garlic Cultivar Will not be Provided).
If you are a restaurant chef or home cook, this package is also the ultimate garlic package. Seed garlic is also culinary garlic. The cloves are easy to peel and are very fresh.
If you want to take a more scientific approach to grow hardneck garlic, check out our LABELED GARLIC GROWER KIT.
Hardneck Garlic Grower Starter Kit. (Random Cloves and Instructions)
Our Garlic Grower Starter Kit Contains Easy Steps for a Successful Crop of Hardneck Garlic.
In the United States, garlic cloves are planted in the fall, up until November or December. Garlic is harvested in late July.
The packet of cloves include enough seed to grow fourty+ garlic plants. Each plant will produce 4-8 additional cloves per bulb.
You can plant some of the cloves and use the remainer for eating.