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Trending and Interesting Information About Garlic
Garlic Blog
Jere Folgert
May 19, 20235 min read
Growing an Extra Row to Share : From Your Garden to Grateful Hearts
Imagine your garden overflowing not just with delicious treats for yourself, but with vibrant life meant to nourish others. Picture an...
Jere Folgert
Mar 22, 20239 min read
Large Garlic Bulbs and Phosphorus
Imagine you're building a LEGO spaceship, but you only have half the bricks you need! That's kind of like a plant without enough...
Jere Folgert
Mar 16, 20236 min read
Its Spring! My Hardneck Garlic is Growing, but the FORECAST calls for FREEZING temperatures!
Nurturing Hardneck Garlic: Weathering the Storm of Early Spring Imagine this scenario: after a period of warm weather coaxing tender...
Jere Folgert
Mar 14, 20234 min read
Garlic Confit
What does confit mean in cooking? Confit refers to the process of slow cooking and storing food in fat. Confit is a French word that...
Jere Folgert
Feb 14, 20234 min read
Planting Garlic by Moonlight: Myth or Miracle?
Garlic by Moonlight: Myth or Miracle? Have you ever heard whispers of cosmic veggie hacks? Tales of supersized tomatoes planted under a...
Jere Folgert
Feb 9, 202311 min read
Garlic Honey
Introduction Imagine a world where honey, that sticky sunshine in a jar, throws off its sweet coat and becomes a tangy, fiery...
Jere Folgert
Jan 1, 20234 min read
CFV (cold forced vernalization)
Introduction Forget about hibernation, imagine a tiny plant party thrown inside your fridge! That's where cold forced vernalization comes...
Jere Folgert
Dec 9, 20227 min read
What Type of Garlic Will Grow Best in USDA Zone 3, 4 and Zone 5?
Click Play to Hear Our Song About Growing Garlic in USDA Zone 3, 4 and 5 Question: What Type of Garlic Grows Best in USDA Hardiness Zone...
Jere Folgert
Nov 10, 20225 min read
One-Clove Wonders
Introduction: In the world of cooking, garlic is a superstar ingredient, known for its ability to transform ordinary dishes into...
Jere Folgert
Oct 24, 20225 min read
Boosting Soil Health and Rotted Underpants
Tom and Mary’s Undies Soil Test: A Hilarious Journey into Microbial Health Tom and Mary were the kind of people who took soil health as...
Jere Folgert
Oct 13, 202211 min read
Organics vs Traditional Fertilizers
Fertilizer Face-Off: Organic Champs vs. Traditional Titans Organic or Synthetic Fertilizer. Which is better? Garden plants are like...
Jere Folgert
Oct 5, 202215 min read
Enhancing Hardneck Garlic Growth with Organic Fertilizers: A Comprehensive Analysis of Fish Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Feather Meal, Rock Phosphate, Langbeinite, Greensand, Humates, Azomite, and Kelp Meal
Abstract: Organic Hardneck Garlic Farming practices are gaining momentum in the United States due to their emphasis on sustainability,...
Jere Folgert
Sep 20, 20223 min read
Seven (7) Reasons Why You Should Grow Your Own Hardneck Garlic!
Garlic: The Rockstar of Your Garden (That's Easy to Grow.) 7 Reasons Why Garlic Should Be Your Garden's MVP (Most Valuable Plant) Ever...
Jere Folgert
Sep 15, 20225 min read
Where do the Colors of Flowers Come From? Why do Some Hardneck Garlic have Purple Skin?
The dazzling colors of flowers aren't just eye candy – they're actually nature's way of advertising for business! Flower colors come from...
Jere Folgert
Sep 15, 20227 min read
Hydrogen Peroxide. It Kills Mites and Pests
Introduction Picture bubbles in your sink, but instead of soap and water, imagine miniature bombs detonating inside tiny, jelly-like...
Jere Folgert
Aug 23, 20229 min read
How to Harvest, Cure and Clean Hardneck Garlic. It is Harvest Time!
From Dirt to Delight: A Garlic Lover's Guide to Curing and Cleaning Welcome, garlic enthusiasts! If you're anything like us, you...
Jere Folgert
Jul 4, 20227 min read
Do Garlic Plants Need Stress?
What Happens When Plants Experience Stress? In the world of botany, stress isn't just a human phenomenon; it's a crucial aspect of plant...
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Jere Folgert
Apr 20, 20228 min read
Will my Garlic Plants Freeze in the Spring!
Why Some Plants Freeze While Others Thrive in Frosty Weather Stepping out to greet my postage-stamp backyard garden this May, a pang of...
Jere Folgert
Apr 20, 202213 min read
Growing Garlic for the First Time
Picture this: you, a gardening newbie, armed with a shovel and a whisper of ambition, staring down a bag of curious-looking...
Jere Folgert
Mar 14, 20226 min read
Is Sprouted Garlic Edible? Yes, but read on...
Sprouted Garlic: Friend or Foe? (Spoiler: Friend!). Sprouted Garlic: Not a Monster in Your Pantry! Ever reach for a head of garlic and...
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