German Porcelain is a Large, Beautiful Garlic. It has a hot, spicy taste when eaten raw, and a beautiful buttery falvor when roasted; When baked in the oven with a dash of olive oil, it turns to butter. It is super yummy!
German Porcelain is easy to grow. The bulbs are large, and bulbs contain 5-7 large, easy to peel cloves. German Porcelain is also a long-storing garlic and will store into late winter or spring.
The curly garlic scapes from German Porcelain are generous and flavorful, adding to the bounty of the harvest. Scapes appear in late June, early July.
From a grower's perspective, it produces a tall dark green plant with broad leaves, and is a very good survivor. Apparently, it originally came from Germany but grows well in all but the most southerly states, where it is marginal.
This is one of the most popular Heirloom Garlic with significant demand as it produces large, impressive bulbs with significant flavor. The large, jumbo cloves are easy to peel and store for a very long time (in a cool, dark place).
A good substitute is German Extra Hardy, Music and Georgian Crystal.
20 Bulbs of German Porcelain have an approximate weight of 4 lbs. The 20 Bulbs equoate to approximately 100 individual cloves.
GroEat Garlic is shipped beginning in September, depending on the season and the variety. Quantities are limited; order early for best availability. Sorry, not available to Idaho or Canada.
GERMAN PORCELAIN (Hardneck, Porcelain)
German Porcelain is a garlic planted in the fall, soon after the first frost and a few weeks before the first hard frost. The seed garlic bulbs should be taken apart into separate cloves not long before planting. Hardneck garlic requires vernalization (exposure to a period of cold temperatures) before or after planting. Plant cloves two-four inches deep, the pointed side up. Garlic does best with a loose soil with very good drainage and a pH of 7.0 optimum. Plant in an area with full sun exposure.